Care and storage tips for erasable highlighters

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Proper care and storage of erasable highlighters can prolong their life and keep them in good shape, allowing for better use of this useful stationery.

Erasable highlighter is a very practical stationery, it can not only be used for marking but also can be erased, which is very convenient. However, many people use them without knowing how to properly care for and store them, causing the refills to dry out or become impossible to erase. Here are some care and storage tips for erasable highlighters to help you make better use of this stationery.

Erasable highlighter

First of all, the key to caring for your erasable highlighter is to keep the refill moist. Because its refill is made of water-based ink, try to avoid exposing the refill to the air during use, so as not to dry up the refill due to water evaporation. When using, remember to cover the pen cap to prevent moisture from evaporating. In addition, you can shake the pen body slightly before use to make the ink evenly distributed in the refill, which can ensure smooth ink flow.

Secondly, the correct use method is also an important part of maintaining the erasable highlighter. When using, apply lightly, do not use too much force, so as not to damage the refill. At the same time, try to avoid using it on rough paper, because it will make the refill wear faster. In addition, pay attention to the angle of use, and try to keep the pen tip perpendicular to the paper, so that you can better control the width and depth of the handwriting.

In addition to proper use, storage is also very important. First, cover the pen cap to prevent the ink from evaporating. Secondly, store the erasable highlighter in a dry and ventilated place, avoiding direct sunlight and a high-temperature environment. Because the high temperature will make the ink thinner and affect the use effect. In addition, avoid mixing erasable highlighters with other stationery to avoid deformation or damage to the refill.

Also, regular cleaning of the erasable highlighter is part of maintenance. When the refill becomes not smooth or the handwriting becomes shallow, you can gently rinse the refill with clean water and then dry it. If the refill is contaminated, you can gently wipe it with a wet paper towel, but be careful not to use too much force to avoid damaging the refill. Also, don't use alcohol or other organic solvents to clean erasable highlighters, as this can damage the refill.

In conclusion, proper care and storage of erasable highlighters can prolong their life and keep them looking good. I hope that through the above introduction, everyone can better understand how to maintain and store erasable highlighters, so as to better use this practical stationery. Remember, keeping refills moist, using them correctly, storing them in the right environment, and cleaning them regularly are the keys to maintenance. I hope that everyone can use it more easily and improve the efficiency of work and study.

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