flyback controller supplier input circuit and important parameters

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flyback controller supplier

flyback controller supplier is a device that uses light energy to couple an input control signal to an output or load in such a way that the electrical isolation between the input signal and the load (output) is also maintained. The basic function of a flyback controller supplier is to couple the input and output circuits via light energy (hence the name flyback controller supplier) and provide complete isolation between the input and output circuits. For this reason, the flyback controller supplier is sometimes called an optical isolator. The purpose of providing electrical isolation between the input and output circuits is to protect them from high voltage transients or high voltage short waves, surge voltages (that is, sudden and sharp increases in voltage), and low-level noise.

In addition, different voltage level circuits and different groundings are connected through the flyback controller supplier (i.e. different voltage circuits and different groundings can also be separated or isolated by their use). Keep in mind that this device provides isolation up to 2500 volts.

Optical coupling input current

The input circuit of a flyback controller supplier or flyback controller supplier consists of an atypical light emitting diode (LED) and its output circuit phototransistor. In other words, the flyback controller supplier consists of a combination of light-emitting devices (i.e., light-emitting devices) and photosensitive devices (devices that are sensitive to light).

The leds fixed in the flyback controller supplier are actually (GaAs) infrared emitters that produce light of about 0.9×10-6m wavelength. In order to obtain excellent coupling media, infrared emitters and optimal electrical isolation are used, using an air gap.

flyback controller Important parameters for supplier

Isolation voltage

The maximum voltage that can be sustained between the input and output terminals without any piezoelectric breakdown is called the isolation voltage V.I.SO. They have specific values up to 7500 AC volts.

Current transfer ratio or click-through rate

The ratio between the output (phototransistor) current and the input (LED) current is called the current transfer ratio and is expressed as a percentage. The output CTR value of a phototransistor may be between 50% and 150%. In the case of photo Darling ton output, its specific value is between 50% and 500%.

Response time

It is divided into rise time (tr) and charge time (tl). The output stages of the tr and tl phototransistors are close to about 2-5 microseconds.

Transmission gain

This parameter is associated with an optically isolated AC linear coupler. The ratio between the output voltage and the input current is called the transmission gain. Its defined value is 200mV/mA.

flyback controller supplier
