How to Improve the Efficiency of Solar Panels?

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This article focuses on what variables need to be considered in calculating the power generation of solar panels and how to calculate the power generation of solar panels.

A solar panel's ability to convert solar radiation into usable electricity translates into its efficiency. It is the standard most commonly used by consumers when evaluating the quality of solar panels. Take two photovoltaic modules as an example, under the same sunlight at the same time. The two solar panels have different efficiency ratings; the more efficient one produces more energy than the other.

In a practical comparison, suppose one of the solar panels has an efficiency of 24% and the other has an efficiency of 16%. Under the same conditions, a solar panel with 24% efficiency can produce half as much power as a panel with 16% efficiency. Therefore, the efficiency of solar panels plays an important role in the optimal use of energy and cost savings.

Once you decide to install a solar panel system, there are various ways to increase its efficiency. In short, there are steps that can be taken to allow you to maintain or increase the output level of your solar modules. Before you delve into tips for increasing your output, here are some factors that affect solar panel efficiency.

1. Hire a professional solar installer

When you install solar modules correctly, you can maximize the absorption of the sun's radiation. This way, the panels generate more electricity. Orientation and angle are the two main factors to consider when making an installation. Normally, solar modules can get the best sunlight exposure at an angle of 18-36 degrees. For those in the northern hemisphere, the solar panels should be on a south-facing slope. In the southern hemisphere, you should install solar panels on north-facing slopes. The main idea is to maximize exposure to sunlight.

installing a solar panel system

While ironic in a way, you should be aware that temperature levels can affect the efficiency of a solar panel. Rising temperatures can cause solar panels to become less efficient. There should be enough space between the roof and the panels to keep the system from overheating by allowing air to flow. All of these require skills and knowledge, and experts understand all of them and how best to do them.

2. Clean

The parts of the solar panel are fixed, so it does not require a lot of maintenance. But dirt tends to collect on the surface, reducing efficiency. Of course, when there is dirt on the surface, the absorption of sunlight will also be reduced.

A few factors determine how often you should clean your solar panels. First, consider how often it rains in your area. Rainwater will wash away the dirt greatly, meaning you don't have to clean it. Also, the cost of cleaning solar panels may dictate how often you perform the job. Dirt and dust don't affect efficiency much, but you shouldn't ignore it as it can be around 5% over the course of the year. Depending on your region, yields may be lower by more than 20%.

improve solar panel efficiency

3. Use during peak sun exposure

Solar panels are usually produced from the sun's rays. In other words, it can only produce energy during the day. For maximum effect, try to use it during the middle of the day, as this will increase the efficiency of your solar panels. You can do this in the following ways. Make sure that all electrical appliances such as laptops, phones, lamps are fully charged when there is sunlight. Make sure to take all of your solar devices out during the day and keep them fully charged so they will be fully charged at night.

Always make sure you adjust your solar heating and cooling equipment to your desired temperature during the day. At night, you turn them off to reduce power usage. If your inverters have the ability to store energy, make sure they are fully charged to reduce wasted electricity.

4. Tracking

Another great way to increase the efficiency of your solar panels is tracking. The sun's direct beams carry more raw energy than indirect beams. This is why the afternoon is hotter than the morning, because the sun hits the earth in a direct beam.

You do this by using a special device called a solar tracker. As standard, the solar mount remains stationary. This is even hit by radiation from different directions throughout the day. Solar trackers, however, track the sun as it shines across the sky. With tracking, the solar panel is directly facing the incoming beam of light at all times.

Tracking allows for exposure to a lot of solar energy. Therefore, there will be more electricity production due to the conversion of a greater proportion of solar radiation into electricity. There are two models of solar trackers. There is a single axis model which is less expensive but less efficient. Dual-axis models are more accurate in tracking the sun's position. While it's more expensive, it produces more electricity. Regardless, tracking is key to making solar panels more efficient, as it increases the amount of sunlight available for conversion.

5. Use one device at a time

The size of your solar panels and the power draw of your devices determine how many devices you charge. Therefore, using one device alone will be a surefire way to reduce electricity usage. Here's how to do it. If not watching, turn off the TV. Make sure the dishwasher and vacuum are not running at the same time. Also, hair dryers and electric shavers should not be running at the same time.

6. Make the right choice

The solar panel you choose determines the efficiency it will provide you. This is the most important thing you should always keep in mind, because if you want to maximize the efficiency of your solar panels, make sure you make a sound decision.

This helps you get all the information you need for that particular panel by identifying a solar system that will provide results that are worth your investment and make it possible for you to avoid over-utilization. Check out the different solar panel models before settling on one. Please know and ask more about its power capacity and those other features to improve energy conversion level.

The monocrystalline silicon type has the highest efficiency and tends to cost more. Also, they are heaviest on the roof. Thin film types are very cheap, but they are less efficient. There is a lot of research on their technology, so there is a lot of potential in the coming years. Although they consume a lot of space, they are very light.

Polycrystalline silicon solar panels are middle ground in terms of efficiency, price, and even weight. There is little waste in their manufacture, which has no major impact on the environment.

high efficiency solar panels

7. Always have a backup energy storage system

There are solar battery systems on the market. It is necessary to invest in them as they will go a long way by maintaining the general budget. Solar panel systems such as solar lanterns and solar umbrellas usually have their storage facilities, allowing you to conserve more energy during the day.

You can then use this stored energy at night to reduce electricity consumption; the best thing about our use of solar power is that even if you face a blackout, you can always have power. The secret is to keep charging. Backup batteries help to increase the efficiency of solar module usage.

8. Install a solar concentrator

This device enables you to maximize the power available from your solar panels. It helps to concentrate solar light and convert it into electricity. The main reason for installing this device is to concentrate most of the radiation that falls on the solar panels.

The process also includes the use of other devices, such as mirrors, to provide a double benefit. For this reason, concentrators can be used to increase the efficiency of solar panels. In addition to providing you with better energy, they can also help you save a lot of money.

9. Correct placement of solar panels

Another way to improve the efficiency of solar panels is by installing photovoltaic panels very judiciously. The angel and direction of the panel must be correct. Then make sure you set up your photovoltaic panels in a way that allows them to receive maximum sunlight throughout the year. One more important thing at this point, you should focus on the angle of inclination of the panels to ensure that they are exposed to direct sunlight uninterrupted throughout the day.

10. Avoid installing in the shade

Keeping the panels in the shade is one of the main factors in improving the efficiency of solar panels. These panels need sunlight to function. So, for maximum output, make sure they aren't anywhere near shadows. Without enough solar energy, they don't work very well. Having shade in one corner of the solar panel will greatly affect the output of the entire solar system.

Without a doubt, owning a solar panel is one of the most important assets that any person should own as it will serve him well by producing enough energy. This energy can be easily used when performing some daily activities. By using the above tips, you will increase the efficiency of your solar panels. These tips will also save you a ton of money on your electricity bill while doing your day-to-day tasks, and at the same time, have enough power to do all those tasks. Plus, you'll also reduce your carbon footprint, thus contributing to a safer environment.

If you want to know more about solar panels, please contact AES PV Technology Co., Ltd.

Solar Panel Supplier - AES PV Technology

AES PV Technology Co., Ltd. is one of the earliest manufacturers for small solar panels and has been devoted to the production of solar panels and mounting structures from 2008. We are one of the pioneers for small solar panels and its solar applications. We mainly focus on 3W~365W solar panels and have been developing higher efficient 545W to 700W solar panels with HJT, Top con and Shingled technologies. If you want to wholesale solar panels, please leave a message or contact us by email. Mail:
