Anger value explodes the meter [fast wear]

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Anger value explodes the meter [fast wear]

Only this move, Xie Xu even breath is not disorderly. He killed the demon, and then he said to the little monk, whose eyes were red and whose face was full of hatred, "I came to see you." Li Du seemed to freeze suddenly, his fingers bent slightly, and the bones in the wound were visible. But the tight hand finally loosened, Li Du walked to Xie Xu's side without a word, his body was still trembling, and he answered in a low voice. When Xie Xu came in to look for someone, the demons were afraid of him. But with a Li Du by his side, those magic objects seemed to be not afraid of death, like a wave coming up. There was a dead silence in the city except for the sound of the wind. Li Du gritted his teeth and said, I.. I'm scared. Xie Xu was not very good at comforting people, so he did not answer. The young man's thin voice seemed to break off in the next moment, but he still said firmly, "Senior, knock me out. The more people are afraid of those things, the more they will bully me. If we go on, I'm afraid we can't get out of the city." Li Du knows more than Xie Xu imagines. Those magic things really like to eat people and have a gloomy mood in their hearts. Xie said modestly, but if I knock you out, I'll have to carry you back. Li Du stepped forward again and stopped Xie Xu. So the silent black-haired friar finally stopped. Xie Xu used to cover up the appearance of the art carrier is a mask, at this time he just thought for a moment, feel that young people may still need comfort, then the cover appearance of the art unloaded, gathered in the hands of that mask, half crouched down and buckled on Li Du's face. A perfect fit. Li Du's face was suddenly blurred, and he looked up blankly, his eyelashes still covered with thick water vapor. His eyes were out of focus, and he heard Xie Xu's words first. It's covered up. No one will see you scared. The man's lips were red, like the color of peach blossoms, and even with such a gorgeous appearance, they were not frivolous at all. Dark eyelashes drooping, as if a little tired, inexplicably appear very gentle. The boy stiffened. Of course, those demons will not really stop coming because Li Du wears a mask. But Li Du seemed to grasp the last straw, holding the mask in one hand, shaking his shoulder slightly, and suddenly began to cry bitterly. His sobs were intermittent. Xie Xu: ".." He now thought that maybe knocking Li Du out would be a good way. Fortunately, such a big movement did not really bring out any tricky magic objects. But Li Du was close to Xie Xu, as if he was very flustered. Xie Xu came to the city gate with Li Du, white marble mosaic ,Pietra Gray Marble, who had been crying all the way. When the two little monks saw them coming back, they were stunned for a long time. But Tan Tang, in his eyes Xie Xu has not changed, this is just lazy eyes a little more eager. Go back as soon as possible. Xie Xudao. Tan Tannahan: "I thought you would not let this city …" Demon. The last word was pressed under his tongue and appeared blurred. Really will not let go, "Xie Xu look cold, that pair of eyes like a chill," but now there is more than one Li Ducheng. " [The gap between the Realm of Cultivation and the Realm of Demons is getting bigger and bigger. Countless demons are born from it. They are directed by the'King 'and begin to devour the realists.] If there were only a few demons inside the extreme desire sect before, but a city fell into a demon cave, this is clearly the plot line of the invasion of ten thousand demons opened ahead of time. Xie Xu's eyes sank slightly. Changsheng Gate. The wild and handsome young man showed a smile that he was bound to win and crushed the secret letter in his hand to ashes. The head of Changsheng Gate looked at Li Qiuqian with relief and kindness. Qiu Qian, you are still too aggressive. If we don't do anything about this, if we send a letter asking for help when the extreme desire clan is besieged by demons, it will also be overcast. I'm afraid no one else will make an enemy of us after they leave the pass. Even the head of the Changsheng Gate has to be cautious and afraid of the anger of a potential great power to cross the robbery. I have full assurance, "Li Qiuqian said slowly, his eyes were very bright, like a fierce beast in the middle of the night finally attacked," no other desire is not to be promoted at all, but to repair for a mistake, for death. " Chapter 121 Dandy Xiu II (42). Ten thousand demons invasion is not a trivial matter, Xie Xu with several people back to the longevity door, then go to Li Qiuqian cave mansion, will tell the matter. When Li Qiuqian was busy, he talked with two white-bearded old men. When he saw Xie Xu looking for him, he thanked the guests first and greeted the black-haired friar with a smile. Xie Xu this person never love to catch up, slightly stagger a step, will Li Ducheng news. The man's expression suddenly became nervous and frowned. "Did you meet those demons?" He didn't look surprised, he looked worried. Xie Xu naturally noticed such an obvious emotional change. "Li Qiuqian," said the black-haired friar, looking up slightly, revealing a porcelain white neck. "Do you already know about those demons?" Man a meal, eyes suddenly covered with a rich look of regret: "Yes, but I did not expect, they will spread so fast." "Did the story spread in the bulk door?" Xie Xu asked, quickly noticing his transgression. He was now half a man, and it was not convenient for him to inquire about these things: "Sorry." Outside the door came the small sound of the lock falling, as if to remind, the spirit servant has come in to say: "There is a yuan Ying Zhenjun outside the door, please see.". "Now that you know," said Xie Xu, "I'll take my leave." Before Xie Xu left, Li Qiuqian's eyes moved slightly. He was afraid that Xie Xu would think too much, so he said what he knew. "Those demons came from the sect of extreme desire.". The Extreme Desire Sect should have fallen. Xie Xu's footsteps stopped, and his face suddenly turned a little pale. Extreme desire should never have an accident. His tone of certainty, on the contrary, was not as if he had a grudge against the extremely desirous clan, but was worried. Xie Xu calmed down and said,White Marble Slabs, "No other desire has been transformed into spiritual cultivation. Those demons who want to attack the Extreme Desire Sect under his hands may be almost nothing." The black-haired friar looked frail as if he had had a cold and a serious illness, and his body was so thin that he seemed to fall down as soon as he was pushed. And such a pale complexion did not detract from the half beauty of his appearance, but had a kind of soul-stirring feeling.
